Saturday, December 23, 2006

Festivus for the Rest of Us

Do you have your festivus pole ready?

More cookie making on the agenda for today. These will be for our neighbors and landlord. I'll be making a vegan pumpkin cheesecake with a gluten-free gingersnap crust to take to the parents' tomorrow. For people who don't celebrate x-mas, we are sure doing a lot for it. I think of this more as an opportunity to show our appreciation. Nico is laughing up a storm in his sleep. Sebastian and I made some whole-wheat donuts this morning and now he is searching for more to eat while he watches Kiki's Flying Delivery Service again. We'll try to get some pictures of the x-mas lights tonight but we've been having lots of evening thundershowers (high temp. in the low 80s) so we have to hope that it is clear. For all you reading from Japan and complaining about the cold, please know that on the other side of the planet I am cursing the heat. Merry x-mas to all of you who celebrate. I'll post after the holiday is over, hopefully w/ pictures. Take care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy winter solstice and new year from Bloomington, guys!!