Tuesday, January 06, 2009

one of the traditions here is "first writing" where you write significant words that can carry you in the new year. we selected words that we need to work towards during 2009 (as well as what we believe the boys need) and here they are:

勤勉な: kinben na: diligent: tiffany
楽観: rakkan: optimism: jason
静かな:shizu kana: calm: sebastian
注意かい:chuuibukai: careful: nicolai

we've been enjoying the last week of my vacation by being very domestic and occasionally venturing out to see the sights. you can see our sights by heading over to our flickr account. here is a clip of the clearest water that surrounds one of goto island's famous christian churches. hope you enjoy.

take care.


jan in nagasaki said...

how come you aren't swimming???

my husband and i (before we got married) did a new years swim off goto one year...

yah, we wore wet suits.

yah, it was cold.

some beautiful snorkeling around there??? have you been???

jan in nagasaki said...

was that you in the grey knit hat that I saw on t.v. at the festival???

how many gaijin live there in Goto?? (fukue)